Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Masters Of Defense Knives Can Old Masters Still Defend Themselves Well?

Can old masters still defend themselves well? - masters of defense knives

Old Masters 60-80. If they are in a situation of self-defense is doing very well, even if the attacker is much younger than themselves?

1 comment:

Jake Lo said...

You know, age is also a weapon. In addition to carrying a stick) (pistol, with age and seniority has its advantages. An attacker would be enough Lowdown and courage to challenge for a real person. More often than not, the aggressor will experience some degree of shame and of the foot, especially if the visitors around. In addition, if the person is older than he / she is a teacher for a reason. The person who is the master level of competition, has achieved not only in combat techniques, radiates, but the confidence and the extreme projecting powerful chi. This will stop and the front and shake your heart. Case and point: my father is 75 and has been pressure in countless battles in the streets against young club, against thieves, etc. He has a fiery temperament that works really well. I have many times, literally, in which someone used in their title, not anything other than "verbal kung-fu" only. I saw two assailants ran behind him. If the attacker stabbed him in the eye orEY quietly went around and picked a softer target - a young woman on the street corner. He went toe to toe against two thugs in a direct confrontation and literally fall back on words. As you can see an old man who the attackers were a lion. That's how powerful he is Chi, and Spirit. Too intimidated, a true master of kung fu. Vi Hung Gar master literally, make a turn and spin when my father went through it. This move, my father had no formal training day in your life kung fu. He touched on some of the judo and was an avid weightlifter in his youth. It is almost 150% pure courage and the ability to surprise me, even to this day.
He has perfected the ability to disable submit to demoralize the population, without even touching a science. His tongue is mightier than the sword never put your hands. Everything at the age of 75 It's the Real Kung Fu.

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